Lose 10 lbs in 60 days without cutting out your favorite foods with the

Goddess Method

Transform your body, mind & spirit with my 1-on-1 holistic fitness coaching program

Transformations inside:

Lose stubborn body fat
& put on muscle

Want to lose 10 lbs of body fat in 60 days?
Put on lean muscle mass?
Feel confident in your body?
By working out just 3 days a week?
Tailored exercises delivered through an app to target your unique goals and fitness level.

Eat more of your favorite foods

No more boring and restrictive diets.
Eat all the foods you love made healthy.
Not just another diet, it's a lifestyle you can stick to.
Learn to trust your beautiful body again and nourish it with delicious meals.
All without spending hours in the kitchen.
Recipes tailored to your preferences and needs.
Hormone support.
Coaching to make healthy choices on your own, so you'll never need to follow another diet again.

Clearer mind and more energy for the things that matter

By prioritizing your health, you will have more energy for what really matters: your family, business, travel.
Cultivate inner peace, reduce stress, and enhance self-awareness through meditation, breathwork, and other mindfulness techniques.
Cycle syncing.
Mindset coaching to solve body image, confidence, difficulty with losing weight or any other related problems from the root cause.
Balancing inner feminine and masculine energies.
Deeply connecting to your body to follow her sacred guidance.
Fitness is not only about moving your body.
We will transform your body from the inside out.
You'll be your most confident, powerful Goddess self!

Personalized support and check-ins

One-on-one support, motivation, and accountability to help you stay on track, overcome obstacles, and unlock your full potential.
Coaching calls for personalized support.
No more tedious tracking of every exercise or meal.
Convenient app for you to upload pictures and videos.
Videos showing how to perform exercises + an option to upload your own for form-check.
I'm here to support you!

What my clients are saying:

About me:

I'm a certified personal trainer and coach Marelle.
I used to be a dancer and loved moving my body.
However this changed in my teens. I started hating my body and tried everything to be the smallest I could. This lead to intense restriction, eating disorders, using exercise as a punishment and food obsession.
I know how it feels when nothing seems to work, when you feel like you can't trust your body around food, when regardless of your weight, you're never happy with the way you look.
Only once I began to heal from the inside out did I reach fulfilment. Now I love moving my body again. I don't feel like food needs to be earned. I get to eat all the foods I love. I listen to and trust my body. I've never been healthier and more energetic. I love and accept my body fully.
I use strength training as well as different spiritual and mindfulness techniques to live in my true power and help my clients do the same.
I am honored to guide you on your journey.

are you ready for a real goddess makeover?

Let's empower your body, mind, and spirit together!
Click the link below to claim your spot and begin your holistic wellness journey now!